The Irish American Culture Club and the Rossmoor Rotary Club invite you to put on your Irish and attend a grand St. Patrick’s Day Party.
March 16, 2025 in the Fireside Room at 5:30 PM.
Dinner and Entertainment
$60 for Club Members, $70 for Non-Member Guests
Dinner: Corned beef, (a Vegetarian Butternut Squash Ravioli option), Roasted Potatoes, Roasted Vegetables, Salad, Rolls and Butter, Irish Bread Pudding Dessert.
Refreshments: Beer, Wine, Irish Coffee (donations welcome)
Entertainment: The Charmas Celtic Band.
Make your reservation today
- Download the Reservations Form here, complete with your own, and your guest’s name(s) and contact information
- Make Check payable to “Rossmoor Rotary”
- Drop off Reservation Form(s) and Check in the Irish American Club Box in Gateway or Mail to Mary Ellen Potter, 1300 Singingwood Court #7, Walnut Creek, CA 94595
To reserve a table of 8 you must submit all names and full payment at the same time.
On-line – using Credit Card, ACH, etc.
Click the button and follow the on-line instructions. You will receive a confirmation email.
Seating is limited. Reservations required by March 11, 2025.
For information call: Mary Ellen Potter at (603) 674-0999