Dear Friends and Neighbors,
As President of the Rotary Club of Rossmoor for 2024-2025, Welcome.
Rotary is an International Service Organization with over one million members whose guiding principle is “ Service Above Self”. We strive to improve the lives of those in need, whether local or abroad.
Even though our Rossmoor Rotary Club is supportive of international projects, our vision is to develop solutions to challenges for our local community.
The Rotary theme for this year is “ The Magic of Rotary”. We create our magic through supporting local projects such as the Trinity Center for the unhoused, scholarships for local students, funds for local Parkinson, Alzheimer and Cancer organizations and more.
Each week we have a dynamic speaker addressing subjects that enrich our lives. If you wish to be a part of the Rotary experience of fellowship and want to learn more about our club, please join us at Hillside Diablo room on Wednesdays from 11:30 to 1:30 and enjoy a delicious lunch catered by II Pavone restaurant.
The MAGIC OF ROTARY is that we share friendships and camaraderie while supporting those in need as we enrich our own lives.
Our Membership chair is Jim Olson. Contact him for more information at 650-520-0387
Carolyn Hinrichs
President 2024-25
Rotary Club of Rossmoor, Walnut Creek, CA
District # 5160
Club # 461